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Created 8-Feb-24
Modified 20-Feb-25
Visitors 3
62 photos

Copper Mine, Arizona, Rosemont districtPotash Evaporation Ponds-4Lake Mojave Colorado RiverSangre de Cristos and San Luis Valley-2-9San Juan Generating StationColorado River Delta receives a pulse flow2006- Craig_CoalTulare_CA_3Mount Shasta-2Logging_Near_Medicine_Lake_HighlandsGros Ventre Wilderness and Grand TetonOgden_Bay_Waterfowl_Management_AreaECO01087ECO05435Stauffer Tailings Pond North, simplot, Phosphate MineECO04241Trinity Alps Sawtooth MountainUinta_Wasatch_Cache National_ForestGlen_Canyon_Dam-3Escalante_River-18Navajo_Canyon-3