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Created 19-May-17
Modified 22-Jan-24
Visitors 3
21 photos

Maroon BellsBuckskin PassFrigid Air PassSki HaydenColorado - West ElksWilderness_Colorado_San_Juan_2010_Oct_8Wilderness_Colorado_San_Juan_2010_Oct_8San Juan MountainsHD Mountains084 (2)Lake Ridge Lakes, Thompson Divide, ColoradoThompson DivideThompson DivideThompson DivideHermosa Creek WatershedOil and Gas in Battlement Mesa (1 of 1)-2Frack Rig and well pad in close proximity to a residence. Weld County, COSangre De Cristos - McIntyre Hills WSA - Echo Canyon, Table Mtn LWCSangre de Cristos over Sand Gulch LWC unitWhetstone MountainAnthracite Range, GMUG