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Created 26-Apr-16
Modified 2-Dec-22
Visitors 3
15 photos

Flying through weather at take-offColorado RiverUtah - Confluence of the Green and Colorado RiverColorado River in Marble CanyonMarble Canyon (1 of 1)-5Marble Canyon (1 of 1)Badger Creek rapids in Marble Canyon (1 of 1)Vermilion Cliffs National Monument (1 of 1)-5Lake Powell (1 of 1)-6Navajo Mountain and Lake Powell on the border of AZ and UT (1 of 1)-2Glen Canyon DamNavajo Generating Station, north of Marble Canyon (1 of 1)-7proposed Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National MonumentFLAA student contemplating Grand CanyonBruce Gordon and Pete Mcbride